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Socio-Psychological Adaptation of International Students to Learning and Professional Activities


It remains well established that international students face a number of challenges when they arrive at a foreign institute to pursue higher education. This research aims to examine the socio-psychological adaptation of international students to learning and professional activities of Elabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan Federal University, Russia. Using a number of socio-psychological adaptation methods of assessment (such as the sense of social security satisfaction, social frustration and psychological adaptation to new life conditions), the research aims to make remedial arrangements to boost the psychosocial adaptation of international students to educational and professional activities.

The findings from the assessment methods were deployed to create an intervention programme,which in turn created the effective adaptation environment for overcoming the psychological inconveniences of language and culture barriers, integrating students into personal and business relations with the native speakers, corporate training of Russian language in conversation clubs, and invitation for participation in mass cultural institute events.  


foreign students, higher education, intercultural education, language and culture barriers, social and psychological adaptation, social security



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